Take Our Type 2 Diabetes Survey
Researchers at The University of Texas want to help diabetes patients by developing better management treatments.
Take Our Type 2 Diabetes Survey
Researchers at The University of Texas want to help diabetes patients by developing better management treatments.
Take Our Type 2 Diabetes Survey
Researchers at The University of Texas want to help diabetes patients by developing better management treatments.
Taking Diabetes Medication
University of Texas at Austin, TX
Diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes for over 6 mths
Compensation Provided
18 Years and Older
Fast Facts
Study Background
In the US, approximately 34.2 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes. Management of diabetes can be complex and includes daily glucose self-monitoring, eating a low-carbohydrate and low-fat diet, getting sufficient physical activity, and taking medications.

To effectively manage their diabetes, patients need to be knowledgeable about the specifics of diabetes and care regimens.

One of the most frequently used instruments to measure diabetes knowledge is the Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ) to measure patients’ knowledge about diabetes and how to manage it.

The purpose of this study is to revise the DKQ. We hypothesize that the updated DKQ will more accurately measure diabetes knowledge.
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