Please complete the screening form below and our team will be in touch. If you are a parent, please answer for your teen. If you are a teen, please answer for yourself. Thank you!
Welcome to the Teen SCREEN (Screen Time, Emotional Experiences and Neuroscience) Study pre-screening survey. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh are conducting a study to learn about how teens’ social media experiences, other social interactions, and the brain influence emotional health. This is a year long study funded by the National Institute of Mental Health. It involves interviews/questionnaires, computerized tasks during a magnetic resonance imaging brain scan, daily phone surveys, and sharing data on social media and phone use. Teens and families who take part in this study will be compensated up to $775.

Help is available. If you (or your teen) are currently struggling with suicidal thoughts we encourage you to reach out to the toll-free, 24/7 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.