Couple's Health
Research Study
Researchers at Southern Methodist University are conducting a research study to learn more about how a long-term relationship can affect one's physical health.
Visits Conducted in Dallas, TX
Compensation Provided
Must Be 25 Years and Older
Must Be Living as a Couple for at Least 3 Years
Fast Facts
Both Partners Must Be Involved
Study Background
How could your relationship & your physical health be linked?

We are conducting a research study to learn more about how couples’ experiences and people’s feelings about their partners are related to the activity of their immune and cardiovascular systems. We will measure aspects of your immune system, heart rate, skin moisture, and blood pressure to see if these are related to your relationship with your spouse. These kinds of bodily changes may relate to your longer-term health.

Join us in a study exploring long-term relationships and their impact on your mood & health! Your participation in our study will help us to better understand how life with a partner may affect physical health through changes to the immune and cardiovascular systems. This knowledge may inform interventions to benefit the health of future couples.
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