Cocaine Use Disorder Research Study
Join a compensated research study at the Medical University of South Carolina designed to identify the effects of cocaine on brain function and iron levels. Help further cocaine research today!
Compensation Provided
21-60 Years Old
Use Disorder
Fast Facts
Visits Conducted in Charleston, SC
Study Background
You are not alone in your fight against Cocaine Use Disorder. Cocaine usage is a struggle for over 1 million Americans per year and research is being conducted near you to help identify solutions to curb this addiction.

Our research focuses on iron in your body and overall brain function. A small number of studies have found that cocaine produces large amounts of iron in some parts of the brain, which negatively affects brain function.

This study will be the first to investigate the impact of cocaine use on brain iron levels and how they may impact brain function. By learning more about the effects of cocaine use, we hope to identify new treatment targets.
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