Compensated Meth Use Research Study
The UTHealth Center for Neurobehavioral Research on Addiction is looking for current methamphetamine users who are 18+ to participate in a study examining medication that may affect factors related to meth use, such as craving.
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Compensation Provided
18+ Years Old
Conducted in Houston, TX
Fast Facts
Current Meth Users
Study Background
Do you currently use methamphetamines? Individuals who are not focused on treatment may be eligible to participate in a UTHealth Center research study.

Our research study aims to test medications that might affect factors related to meth use, such as craving.

Participation in this study may help researchers find ways to make recovery easier for people who want to quit using meth. Further research, and join our compensated study today!
Study Background
Do you currently use methamphetamines? Individuals who are not focused on treatment may be eligible to participate in a UTHealth Center research study.

Our research study aims to test medications that might affect factors related to meth use, such as craving.

Participation in this study may help researchers find ways to make recovery easier for people who want to quit using meth. Further research, and join our compensated study today!
Click Here to See if You are Eligible
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